The Coalition for Justice in Hawaiian Gardens
and Jerusalem has found columns in Jewish newspapers by Irving
Moskowitz and Cherna Moskowitz extolling and justifying assassinations
and violent political means to thwart Israeli-Palestinian
peace. Cherna Moskowitz, Irving's wife and partner in the
Hawaiian Gardens Casino, also sponsored the assassination
video "game" played by exploding the heads of pro-peace
leaders, which is featured on our website (at
The columns and the assassination "game," show that
the Moskowitzes lack the good character California requires
for a gambling license. These statements, together with the
Moskowitzes' financial support of violence-prone Israeli settlers
and the "neocons," such as Under Secretary of Defense
Douglas Feith, who led the call for the invasion of Iraq,
make Irving and Cherna Moskowitz a power couple of extremism.
We do not dispute the Moskowitzes' right, under
the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, to proclaim
their extremist pro-violence views -- and even to fund settlers
who violently attack Palestinians. But the Moskowitzes have
millions of dollars (some from deplorable activities in Hawaiian
Gardens, California (click here for details: link to
to spend on their political expression, thus their advocacy
predictably results in death and injury. In the analysis that
follows our discussion of the columns we conclude that the
Moskowitzes have a pattern of embracing violent political
Columnist Cherna Moskowitz blesses assassins
Cherna Moskowitz wrote a column in the Jewish Chronicle of
Long Beach, California, under the heading "Ha Matsav
(the Situation)" from the mid 1970s to the early 1980s.
On January 22, 1975 she wrote in copious praise of two members
of the Jewish terrorist group Lehi, also known as the "Stern
Gang," who assassinated Britain's Middle East Minister,
Lord Moyne, in Egypt in 1944 and were hanged in Cairo the
following year. "Blessed is their memory," Moskowitz
wrote of the gunmen Eliahu Hakim and Eliahy Beit-Tzuri.
According to a summary by the Jewish Agency
instead of joining the war against the Axis, "Lehi members
considered Britain Zionism's main enemy, and therefore believed
that they ought to use terror against the British administration."
The summary also notes:
In an attempt to expel the British from Palestine,
Lehi attempted in 1940 to make contact with Fascist Italy
and Nazi Germany with the objective of finding an ally that
would allow the establishment of a Jewish state within its
historic borders of the land of Israel.
To acquire funds for its activities, Lehi
members robbed banks. Lehi ran its own radio station, where
it broadcast verbal attacks on the British and their immigration
policies and expressed strong opposition to volunteering
for the British army.
"The climax of Lehi terror was the murder
of Lord Moyne," states the Jewish Agency summary.
Lord Moyne -- Walter Edward Guinness, heir to
the beer fortune - had held several government posts before
being named to his last: Minister of State and British Minister
Resident in the Middle East. Assassins Hakim and Beit-Tzuri
ambushed him on November 6, 1944, as his car arrived at his
Cairo residence.
The Secretary of State for the Colonies,
Lord Moyne, signs a Bristol Blenheim bomber of No 139
(Jamaica) Squadron during a visit in September 1941.
Courtesy of: Imperial War Museum.
In a 1975 retrospective the London Daily Mirror
interviewed Major Andrew Hughes Onslow, Moyne's aide-de-camp,
who recounted the assassination: "I got out of the car
to open the front door when the two men came up. The chauffeur
was walking round the car to let Lord Moyne out when one gunman
pulled open the car door and shot Lord Moyne. The second man
came up and shot the chauffeur. I gave chase, but they jumped
onto bicycles. I was able to stop an Egyptian policeman on
a motor cycle, and although they shot at him he was able overcome
Concluded Ounslow: "No doubt Lord Moyne
could have been regarded as a target for political assassination,
but the shooting of the chauffeur was pure murder."
The Daily Mirror quoted the contemporaneous
statement of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, Dr. J.
H. Hertz, who termed the assassination "a most detestable
crime in the eyes of Jews."
In her column, Cherna Moskowitz scoffed at similar
condemnations from Jewish leaders of the day, terming it "curious."
She justified the assassination as a fitting response to Britain's
refusal to admit Jewish victims of Nazism to Palestine, remarking:
"And so [the Jews] died and on November 6, 1944 Lord
Moyne also died."
Moskowitz's column and the Daily Mirror article
were inspired by an Egyptian-Israeli prisoner trade that repatriated
the assassins' bodies. Moskowitz concludes:
Before he was hung Beit-Tzuri said, "Some
people live short lives in which nothing significant occurs.
That is a tragedy. But to live a short life that includes
a deed for one's homeland -- that is a triumph."
Eliahu Hakim and Eliahy Beit-Tzuri. Blessed
is their memory.
Irving Moskowitz defends infamous massacre
Irving Moskowitz, too, has condoned political violence. In
March 1994 he wrote a column in the Brooklyn-based Jewish
Press, defending settler physician Baruch Goldstein's assault
rifle massacre of 29 Palestinians as they prayed at the Tomb
of the Patriarchs in Hebron.
In his column Moskowitz wrote:
[Yet] when Arabs murder and maim Jews every
day in Israel and a lone Jewish man, overwhelmed by his
grief over Arab terrorism, strikes at the Arabs - the hue
and cry from around the world is deafening. Accusing fingers
are pointed at all of Israel. The Israeli government is
pressured to make concessions to the Arabs to "atone"
for a deed it did not commit. There are calls to expel all
Jews from Hebron and from all of Judea and Samaria.
Of course all violence and killings are bad.
In an ideal world, one could simply condemn all such behavior
and that would suffice. But we don't live in an ideal world.
We live in a world in which Israeli Jews are constantly
If last week's events in Hebron were to be
judged by an American court the results would not be black
and white. The American justice system, quite properly,
takes into consideration the factors that drove the perpetrator
to commit his deed. Those factors do not absolve the perpetrator
of guilt - but they do define the level and quality of guilt.
There was a hung jury in the trial of the Mendez (sic) brothers
because of evidence that they acted out of fear and desperation
due to years of abuse. Lorena Bobbitt was declared not guilty
by reason of temporary insanity, after the jury found that
what drove her to extreme behavior was the violence she
suffered from her husband. Surely a Jewish doctor who constantly
treated victims of Arab terrorism, and who literally held
in his arms his dying friends, would be found to have experienced
as much suffering as the Lyle Mendezes (sic) and Lorena
Bobbitts of this world.
Moskowitz's reference to "dying friends"
is astonishingly disingenuousness. The Hebron settlers, to
which Goldstein belonged, were and are notorious for violently
attacking Palestinians, and destroying their property. These
highly ideological settler marauders greatly exacerbate the
inequity created by the Israeli government's expropriation
of the Palestinians' land and water to create the settlements.
They live as a tiny minority behind heavy military guard.
Hebron settlers protest and try to
force closure of Palestinian businesses: above, a gas
station, below a market.
In October 2003, Newsweek reported that Israeli
police seized a large stockpile of weapons from Hebron settlers
and linked some of the rifles to settler attacks on Palestinians.
Moskowitz continues to send donations from his Hawaiian Gardens
Bingo to these settlers' Hebron Fund. (See
In his Jewish Press column, Moskowitz goes on
for several paragraphs lambasting the government of Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin for its moves toward peace with the
Palestinians. Moskowitz's expressions here give credence to
a 2000 report in Mother Jones Magazine that he justified to
a friend Rabin's 1995 assassination. (click here to read link:
Last June, Israel's Attorney General threatened to charge
the author of a book justifying Goldstein's act with incitement
to racism.
Cherna Moskowitz's writings, especially her
column on Lord Moyne's assassins, underscore the political
extremism of the Internet assassination video game she sponsored
in 2000. According to the Israeli newspaper, Yediot Aharanot
Moskowitz's "game" was condemned by then Prime Minister
Barak's spokesperson, who called it an incitement to violence
of the type that brought about the assassination of Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. The internet host company
quickly removed the game, so the Coalition cached it for reference
purposes. (Click
here for more about Moskowitz's assassination "game.")
As we stated above, we do not dispute the Moskowitzes'
Constitutional rights to political speech and association.
But that does not absolve them of responsibility for the consequences
of their extremism. The all too predictable results of the
Moskowitzes' inciteful political speech, backed as it is with
millions of dollars from the Hawaiian Gardens Bingo and from
their private fortune, has already included death and injury.
Expressions in Moskowitz Columns
In addition to celebrating assassins in her Long Beach
Jewish Chronicle column, Cherna Moskowitz expressed
racist sentiments. On October 28, 1975, in a rambling
column about a trip to Israel and a return via London,
she nonchalantly revealed her distaste for Arabs:
[N]ever did I feel uncomfortable in
Israel as I did in London on our return home. Our
hotel was host to many Arabs, and I realized my reply
to "your name, please?" was much more subdued
than usual because I was standing in a group of Arabs
who were also checking in. A common sight in London
is veiled women in passing Rolls Royces.
Rental agencies in London have reported
a demand by Arab visitors for expensive flats in London
during the summer months that surpassed the supply.
They spoke of Arabs paying six months rent in advance
with cash carried in suitcases.
Cherna Moskowitz was similarly unabashed
writing, on August 16, 1977, about South African Jews
during the the height of the apartheid system's oppression
of the black majority,. Writing with unabashed indifference
to the black majority's suffering, a scant year after
the racist government savagely suppressed an uprising
by black students and murdered activist Steve Biko,
Moskowitz assessed the Jews' situation:
Life is comfortable since they suffer
no discrimination and even the middle class live exceptionally
well. Traditionally, a Jewish Mayor is elected in
Johannesburg every other election
Despite government assurances that the
position of whites and Jews in South Africa is secure
many observers feel that future events may show they
are peering through rose colored glasses.
In 1996 riots sparked by the opening of a Moskowitz-sponsored
tunnel near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem took over 70 Israeli
and Palestinian lives. The tunnel provides a shortcut to the
Western Wall for the militant settler yeshiva Ateret Cohanim,
a major Moskowitz bingo beneficiary. According to a Miami
Herald report (9/28/96) the Netanyahu government opened the
tunnel as a "political payoff to several key American
campaign contributors, including Irving Moscowitz, 69, a leading
Netanyahu supporter in South Florida and one of the top bankrollers
of Jewish settlement expansion in the West Bank and Gaza Strip."
Eitan Haber, a top aide to the late Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin, told the paper that Rabin decided not to open the tunnel
because of "alarming intelligence reports" about
the consequences. "Security said the whole West Bank
will burn because of it,'' Haber said.
As the Herald noted, Moskowitz attended the
ceremony, but was back home in Miami before the predictable
reaction occurred. The Moskowitzes' political "expression"
will no doubt take a painful toll for years to come.
Moskowitz shows he knows the difference between
real charities and his causes
We can cite no instance when the Moskowitzes have shown restraint.
But we do note with interest that, on one of his websites,
Irving Moskowitz shows he clearly knows the difference between
real charities and the violence-prone efforts he funds. That
website, (
owned by the Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation through which
Moskowitz runs the Hawaiian Gardens Bingo tries to spin Moskowitz
and his works as charitable. He showcases the foundation's
relatively puny gifts to a handful of legitimate charities
- local youth sports, Long Beach City College, and so forth
-- while carefully avoiding mention of the extremist and violence
prone groups on which Moskowitz bestows millions of dollars
from the bingo.
Here are two examples of the contrast, based
on data obtained from the Forms 990 the Moskowitz Foundation
files with the IRS:
- "Moskowitz gave $1,000 in 2001 and $3,500
in 2000 to Heritage Pointe, a very nice Jewish retirement
community in Orange County. According to Heritage Pointe's
website, contributions subsidize the rents of low-income
seniors. So Moskowitz's contributions would not help very
many seniors for many months. Moreover, they comprise only
0.06 percent (less than one-tenth of one percent) of the
$7.3 million he contributed from the bingo in 2000 and 2001.
By contrast, Moskowitz gave well over $4 million in those
two years to extreme settler, anti-peace and neoconservatives
organizations. He gave $205,000 to the Hebron Fund, which
supports settlers who have terrorized local Palestinians.
(For more on Moskowitz's use of the bingo funds, see
- "Moskowitz also calls attention to his
donation to the Red Cross of $25,000 for victims of the
recent wildfires in California, hundreds of whom lost their
homes. The amount is certainly more respectable than the
$500 donations he occasionally made in years past. Nevertheless,
it pales in comparison to the $1.75 million in bingo dollars
that in 2001 alone he gave to his family-controlled American
Friends of Everest Foundation which makes purchases of Palestinian
properties aimed at thwarting peace.
Moskowitz's other website
In stark contrast, Moskowitz's other website, ""
features the extremist and violence-prone organizations that
consume the bulk of his distribution of funds from his Hawaiian
Gardens bingo. These are the organizations he doesn't mention
on the Moskowitz Foundation site, which, we assume, he wants
the Gambling Commission to review. On "ourjerusalem,"
however, Moskowitz gives voice to the most extreme advocacy.
On several occasions, he has posted columns calling for the
"transfer" or expulsion of Palestinians from the
West Bank and Gaza. We have excerpted the most recent of such
columns here - along with a column advocating the assassination
of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.
Transfer Means Peace
by Boris Shusteff Arutz Sheva November 17, 2003
One must understand that an Arab state on
the minuscule land areas of Judea, Samaria [settler terms
for the West Bank] and Gaza will be the most densely populated
country in the world, with millions of people living in
dreary substandard conditions, with rapidly dwindling last
available resources of drinking water, in a surrogate semi-state
that will not be independent. This option does not even
deserve a comparison with Jordan, a real state of Palestinian
Arabs (who comprise more than 65% of its population), which
is not only 20 times bigger in size, but is already a full-fledged
independent country.
At the same time, it is easy to demonstrate
that the transfer of the Arab population from Judea, Samaria,
and Gaza will substantially increase Israel's defense capabilities,
achieving true separation between the Arabs and the Jews,
and giving realistic chances for lasting peace in the region.
The raging fire of the Israeli-Arab confrontation
can indeed be extinguished by means of population transfer.
Instead of running away from this option, it is time to
look at this legitimate mechanism of achieving peace in
the Middle East. The suggested International Transfer Conference
must commence a series of deliberations on serious issues.
Freedom of speech does not prohibit any kinds of discussions,
especially with peace between the Arabs and the Jews as
the incentive. The blood of the victims on both sides of
this continuing conflict demands that all people of good
will work to start the ball rolling. It is a task of the
utmost urgency. (read the entire column at
Another column on Moskowitz's website called
for violent destruction of the Palestinians under Israeli
by Gary M. Cooperberg October 29, 2003
[S]ome Arabs wish to call themselves
"Palestinians" that is their right. But we Jews
are under no obligation either to recognize that contrived
entity, or to find them a place to live. It is high time
for our leaders to worry at least as much about the Jewish
population of Israel as it does about our Arab enemies.
Consistent terror is not something one learns to live with.
It is something which our government is obligated to completely
destroy. No normal government will sit down and negotiate
anything with murderers. Let us, at long last, understand
that we are at war with those whose only goal is to destroy
us. Our only option is to destroy them first. So let's stop
fooling ourselves and stop wasting lives and money. We don't
need a wall. We need a quick and ruthless war.
Read the full text at (
Yet another column on Moskowitz's website called
for the murder of Palestinian President Arafat.
Don't expel Arafat...
by Joseph Farah September 17, 2003
There's a debate raging in Jerusalem and in Washington about
whether it is appropriate to exile Yasser Arafat to expel
him from the Palestinian Authority.
I say don't expel him... shoot him.
Yasser Arafat is responsible for the murder of thousands
of innocent Israeli citizens, the lynching deaths of untold
Arabs and the killing of more than 100 U.S. citizens, including
two U.S. diplomats assassinated in cold blood.
Exile is far too good for him.
Some people get squeamish about calling for violence against
"foreign leaders." Arafat is no more a legitimate
foreign leader than Adolf Hitler or Saddam Hussein were.
If we got a chance to knock off one or both of those tyrants,
can anyone honestly say we shouldn't have done it?
Some people say we can't eliminate Arafat because to do
so would only make him a martyr to his people. Would we
hesitate for a moment to kill Osama bin Laden for the same
reason? No way. Therefore, that argument holds no water.
Some people insist there is nobody better to work with in
the Palestinian Authority than Arafat. Maybe that's true.
I doubt it. But one thing is certain: Nobody in the Palestinian
Authority has more innocent blood on his hands than Arafat.
Arafat is the father of modern terrorism.
If we're serious about fighting a war against terrorism
particularly the brand of Islamo-fascism he represents there's
no better place to start than by offing Arafat.
It's justice. It's the right thing to do.
If you want to give him a fair trial first, that's fine
with me. But he needs to pay for his crimes with his life
(Read the whole column at