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The Coalition for Justice in Hawaiian Gardens and Jerusalem
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Los Angeles CA
310 910-9153
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June 17, 2001: Irving
Moskowitz pays himself over $320,000 from "charitable" bingo - this plus
bingo money he's channeled to his private company [in .pdf format]
December 26, 2000: Coalition legal brief shows Moskowitz character unfit for casino license [in .pdf format]
August 20, 2000: Coalition Discovers That Moskowitz Again Funnels "Charity" Bingo Funds to Hospital He Leases [in .pdf format]
February 10, 2000: Coalition Presents Evidence of Contract Irregularity [in .pdf format]
February 20, 2001: Letter to California Attorney General Bill Lockyer Asking Him to Investigate a Loan from the Hawaiian Gardens City Council [in .pdf format] |