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The Coalition for Justice in Hawaiian Gardens and Jerusalem
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here to read about how the substitute DDA (red text) reduced
the $3 million good faith deposit the original DDA (the blue
text) required of Irving Moskowitz' company.
here to read the language that might deprive Hawaiian Gardens
of the casino tax it has anticipated through years of casino-related
indebtedness. The language added by the substitute DDA is in
red. Differing text in the original DDA is in blue. Text that's
the same in both versions is in black. *
here to read the original DDA, the contract between the
Hawaiian Gardens Community Redevelopment Agency and Irving Moskowitz'
Cerritos Gardens General Hospital Company. *
here to read the substitute DDA, the "stealth" contract
that replaced the original DDA between the Hawaiian Gardens
Community Redevelopment Agency and Irving Moskowitz' Cerritos
Gardens General Hospital Company.
Read about the contract substitution in The Story of Moskowitz & Hawaiian Gardens
Want to see how the two contracts measure
up side by side? Click
here to read the full text of both contracts. This document
contains a three-color comparison of the original and substitute
DDAs, the "stealth" contract that replaced the original DDA
between the Hawaiian Gardens Community Redevelopment Agency
and Irving Moskowitz' Cerritos Gardens General Hospital Company.
*These comparisons were created using the "change tracking" feature in Microsoft Word.
February 20, 2001:
Letter to California Attorney General Bill Lockyer asking
him to investigate a loan from the Hawaiian Gardens City Council
the letter]